All for Power Conference 2021 - homepage
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All for POWER


15th International Specialized Conference

All for Power Conference 2021

Nuclear and Conventional Power Plants, District Heating, Industrial Power Sector
Development of the Czech and Slovak power sector in the global context
Export of Investment Units

15th and 16th November 2021, Clarion Congress Hotel Prague


Basic information

conference title: All for Power Conference 2021
periodicity: 1 times a year
venue: Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
conference language: czech, english (simultaneous translation)

Programme, timetable
(topics will be edited)

Monday, 15 November 2021, Moderator/Chairman: Daneš Burket, President, Czech Nuclear Society

8.00       Registration
9.00 - 13.00
Open Speech

Rostislav Žoudlík, President, Association of Industrial Plants Suppliers
Tomáš Ehler, Deputy Minister for Nuclear Power, MIT CR
Nuclear Power I.
Nuclear New Builds, EDU 5, Lex Dukovany, SMR

Petr Závodský, Director of the Nuclear Power Plant Construction Section, ČEZ, a. s.
Josef Perlík, Executive Director, CPIA
Minhwan Chang, Cheif Representative, KHNP Prague Office
Sarah Illouz, Offer Director – Czech Republic New Build Offer, EDF
Michael Waite, Market Development Director, Westinghouse
Alan Woods, Rolls-Royce SMR
Petr Zákoucký, Partner, AK DENTONS
State Energy Policy – Polemic, discussion
Blahoslav Němeček, Partner, EY
Jiří Feist, Member of the Board of Directors, Strategy Director, EP Energy, a. s.
Tomáš Hüner, Former Minister, Ministry of Industry and Trade CR
Pavel Šolc, Member of the Board of Directors, ČEPS, a. s. (Former Deputy Minister, MIT CR)
Martin Pecina, Former Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industry and Trade CR
(Former Minister, Ministry of the Interior)
13.00 - 14.00      Lunch
14.00 - 16.00     
Nuclear Power II.
Temelin NPP, Dukovany NPP – development investment plans, modernisation, performance improvement, use of reserves, ...

Jiří Hledík, ČEZ, a. s.
Robert Kratochvíl, Dukovany NPP
Vít Sova, Temelín NPP
Suppliers, technology
Representative, ŠKODA JS a.s.
Representative, Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o.
Representative, ZAT a. s.
Rostislav Malý, Sales Director, ORGREZ, a.s.
Oto Mareček, Executive Director, TES s. r. o.
16.00 - 16.15      Coffee Break
16.15 - 17.45     
Export of investment units, state export support
Case Studies, Lessons Learned

Representative, ČEB (Czech Export Bank)
Representative, EGAP (Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation)
Representative, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Representative, CzechTrade
Filip Černý, Manager, Export and business financing, ČSOB
18.30                   End of the first day of the Conference
19.00 - 02.00      Evening buffet, networking (hotel restaurant Benada)

Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Moderator/Chairman: Zdeněk Vlček, ÚJV Řež, a. s., ENERGOPROJEKT PRAHA Division
8.15       Registration
Open Speech
9.15 - 11.10       
Conventional Power, District Heating and Industrial Power
Construction, modernization, maintenance - planned investments
BAT, BREF, Modernisation Fund

Jan Kalina, Director of Conventional Power and Renewable Division, ČEZ, a. s.
Martin Hájek, Executive Manager, Association for District Heating
David Onderek, Executive Directro – District Heating, EP Infrastructure
Petr Karafiát, Environment & Engineering Director, SEV.EN ENERGY
Barbora Obračajová, AK DENTONS
Ivo Marcin, State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic
11.10 - 11.30      Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00     
Panel Discussion
Vision of Energy, Decentralized Power, Accumulation, Development of Electricity prices, Emission Trading,...

Jan Palaščák, Founder of Amper Group
Jan Fousek, Executive Director, Association for Energy Storage (AKU-BAT)
Richard Čada, ČSOB
Monika Vitvarová, ÚJV Řež, a. s., ČVUT
Milan Šimoník, Executive Director, COGEN Czech
Ondřej Strecker, Market analysis and prognosis, ČEZ, a. s.
13.00     End of the Conference, Lunch




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