18th International Specialized Conference
All for Power Conference 2024
Nuclear and Conventional Power Plants, District Heating, Industrial Power Sector
Development of the Czech and Slovak power sector in the global context
Export of Investment Units
20th and 21st November 2024, Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
Basic information
conference title: All for Power Conference 2024
periodicity: 1 times a year
venue: Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
conference language: czech, english (simultaneous translation)
Conference Program
Wednesday, 11/20/2024, moderator: Jan Žižka, Analyst and Publicist
8.00 Registration
Nuclear Power I.
Nuclear New Builds, NPP Dukovany 5, Lex Dukovany, SMR
Petr Závodský*, General Manager, NPP Dukovany II., NPP Temelín II., ČEZ Group
Josef Perlík, Chief Executive, CPIA – Czech Power Industry Alliance
Tomáš Ehler, Head of Nuclear Energy Section, Ministry of Industry and Trade CR
Roman Zdebor, Branch Managing Director, EDF Nuclear Czechia
Min Hwan Chang, Chief Representative, KHNP Prague Office
Petr Brzezina, President, Westinghouse Czech Republic
Ivan Baldwin, Business Development Manager, Nuclear Power, Bechtel
Poland's nuclear programme
Michał Wierzchowski, Director of Business Development, Polskie Elektrownie Jadrowe
10.50 Coffee Break
Prospects of the Czech energy sector, stability of supplies, business models
Panel discussion
Jiří Feist, Chief Strategy Officer, EP Energy
Luboš Pavlas, President and CEO, Sev.en Energy Group
Vladimír Hlavinka, Chairman of the Board of Directors, ORGREZ Group, a. s.
Pavel Šolc, Member of fhe Board, ČEPS, a. s.
Martin Pecina, Chairman of the Board of Directors, VCL GROUP, a. s.
Josef Kotrba, Managing Director, Czech Gas Association
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 16.00
Nuclear Power II.
NPP Mochovce 3, (4)
Pavel Janík, Deputy Project Dir. EMO 3,4 nominated by EPH and mem. of the Supervisory Board of SE, a. s.
Tomáš Faust, Division Slovakia, Department Commissioning EMO 3, 4, ŠKODA JS a. s.
NPP Dukovany, Temelín – investment plans, modernization, power uprates, LTO
Ondřej Češka, Management of production assets and NPP operation, ČEZ, a. s.
Jiří Duspiva, Centrum výzkumu Řež s. r. o.
Anna Zemanová, KPMG
Representative*, South Bohemian Nuclear Park
Andrej Žiarovský, Director of Development and International Projects, VUJE, a. s.
16.00 - 16.15 Coffee Break
Suppliers for nuclear and conventional power plants
Štěpán Šmida, Business Development Manager, DOOSAN Škoda Power
Petr Mach, Head of Division, ENERGOPROJEKT PRAHA, ÚJV, a. s.
Export of investment units, export support of the state
Case Studies, Lessons Learned
Miroslav Stříbrný, Director of Trade and Export Financing, ČEB
Filip Černý, Team Head of Export Finance, ČSOB
Michal Janků, Deputy Director, Export Credit and Investment Insurance Department, EGAP
Neklan Coufal, CzechTrade and Representatives of Industry Sector
18.30 End of the first day of the conference
19.00 - 02.00 Evening banquet (hotel restaurant Zodiac)
Thursday, 21/11/2024, moderator: Zdeněk Vlček, Technical Director, ENERGOPROJEKT PRAHA, ÚJV, a. s.
8.15 Registration
Open Speech
9.15 - 11.10
Conventional Power, Heating and Industry, Modernization Fund
Construction, modernization, decarbonization, maintenance – strategy, planned investments
Miroslav Krpec, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Energotrans, a. s.
Martin Hájek, Chief Executive, Association for the District Heating of the CR
David Onderek*, Director-District Heating, EP Infrastructure
Marcel Vrátný, CEO, MH Teplárenský Holding (MH District Heating Holding)
Václav Skoblík, Sales Director, UCED
Rostislav Malý, Sales Director, ORGREZ, a.s.
11.10 - 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00
Panel discussion
Decentralized energy, storage, electricity price development, FRR, Emission Trading,...
Tomáš Voříšek, Technical Director, SEVEn – The Energy Efficiency Center
Jan Fousek, Executive Director, AKU-BAT CZ (Association for Energy Storage)
Ondřej Mamula, CIIRC, Energy Nest
Ondřej Strecker, Head of Energy Market Analysis, ČEZ, a. s.
Milan Šimoník, Executive Director, COGEN Czech
13.00 End of the conference, joint lunch
*under negotiation