13th International Specialized Conference
All for Power Conference 2018
Nuclear and Conventional Power Plants, District Heating, Industrial Power Sector
Development of the Czech and Slovak power sector in the global context
Export of Investment Units
29th and 30th November 2018, Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
Basic information
conference title: All for Power Conference 2018
periodicity: 1 times a year
venue: Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
conference language: czech, english (simultaneous translation)
Topics are:
planned projects/investments in nuclear energy in the Czech Republic, Slovakia
implemented and planned projects/investments in conventional energy in the Czech Republic, Slovakia
industrial power energy
EU directives and impact on power sector
foreign section (projects/investments): Republic of South Africa, Poland and other countries
and others
Conference schedule:
Thursday, 29 November 2018
8.00 Registration
9.00 Keynote speech
9.20 Presentations
13.00 Lunch
18.00 End of the first day of the conference
18.30 - 02.00 Bash, Wine Tasting, Networking
Friday, 30 November 2018
8.15 Registration
9.00 Keynote speech
9.20 Presentations
12.30 End of the the conference
13.00 Lunch
and others
The conference will be accompanied by a traditional exhibition of products and services delivered by energy sector contractors.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Chairman: Daneš Burket, President, ČNS (Czech Nuclear Society)
8.15 Registration
Welcome Speeches, Nuclear Power, Czech Nuclear Power Industry: Current Status and Perspective Foreign NPP Projects and Supplier's Possibilities
Bohdan Zronek, Member of the Board of Directors, Head of Nuclear Power Division, ČEZ, a. s.
Daniel Jiřička, Managing Director, ÚJV Řež, a. s.
Rostislav Žoudlík, President, Association of Industrial Plants Suppliers
Jiří Slovák, Director, SÚRAO (Radioactive Waste Repository Authority)
Ján Štuller*, Government Attorney for NPP, MIT ČR, representative, Ministry of Industry and Trade CR
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee Break
Petr Závodský, Director of Deparment of Nuclear Power Plant Construction, ČEZ, a.s.
Zdeněk Šíma, Executive Director, Rosatom Central Europe
Yunho Kim, Director General of Advanced Reactor Development Laboratory, KHNP
Zhang Wenquan, CGN - China General Nuclear Power Corporation
Patrick Zak, Director Pre-Development & Marketing, EDF New Nuclear Projects & Engineering
Antoine Verdier, Business Development Director, ATMEA
13.00 - 14.00 Joint Lunch
Operational Experience, Perspectives, Long Term Operations
representative*, NPP Dukovany, ČEZ, a. s.
representative*, NPP Temelín, ČEZ, a. s.
Technologies, Products, Engineering and Maintenance
Antonín Rudolf, ŠKODA JS, a. s.
Tomáš Záruba, ŠKODA JS, a. s.
Jiří Pliska, Head of Technical Development, I&C Energo a. s.
Radka Čapková, Business Director, JANKA ENGINEERING
Michal Lecký, ředitel, ROEZ, s. r. o.
15.40 - 16.00 Coffee Break
16.00 Export of Investment/Technology Units
State Support of Export, Case Studies, Lessons Learned
Chairman: Milan Kohout, Business Development Director, SDIC
Miloslav Stašek, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs CR
Jan Troják, Head of Project Finance, ČSOB
František Šindler, Česká exportní banka (Czech Export Bank)
Michal Janků, EGAP (Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation)
Jiří Jílek, CzechTrade
6.30 Conclusion of the first conference day
7.00 p.m. - 2.00 a.m. Evening buffet (restaurant Benada, Clarion Hotel)
Friday, 30 November 2018
Chairman: Zdeněk Vlček, ENERGOPROJEKT PRAHA, ÚJV Řež, a. s.
8.15 Registration
9.00 Welcome Speech
Ladislav Štěpánek, Member of the Board of Directors, Head of Conventional Power Division, ČEZ, a. s.
9.20 Conventional Power Generation, Heating and Industrial Power
David Onderek*, Director of District Heating Division, EP Energy, a. s.
Ondřej Povalač, Director of Department of Supply System Management, ČEZ, a. s.
Martin Hájek, CEO, Association for District Heating
Roman Senecký, Managing Director, Mondi Štětí a.s.
Bogusław Krztoń, Business Development Director, Sumitomo SHI FW
Andreas Gruber-Waltl, Director Retrofits & Optimization, ANDRITZ AG + ACS International
Luděk Sklenář, Head of Unit, Energy Services, Unipetrol RPA
Rostislav Malý, Sales Manager, ORGREZ, a. s.
David Pulkrábek, ŠKODA PRAHA a. s.
construction, modernization, maintenance - planned investment
investment plans for municipalities and regions
demolishing/liquidation of conventional power plants
11.10 - 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 Panel Discussion
Josef Jeleček, Chairman of the Board of Governors, COGEN Czech
Lenka Kovačovská, Executive Director, Czech Gas Association
Martin Hájek, CEO, Association for District Heating
Jan Fousek*, Executive Director, AKU-BAT (Association for Energy Storage and Batteries)
Ondřej Strecker, Market Analysis and Prognosis, ČEZ, a. s.
reprezentant, ČEZ ESCO
Richard Čada, ČSOB
decentralized energy
industry 4.0, etc.
Emission Trading
13.00 Conference Conclusion, Lunch
*in negotiation